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The Greater New York Gesneriad Society

Welcome! We are a group of houseplant enthusiasts focused on the “Miracle Houseplants,” plants in the Gesneriaceae, a family that includes African violets (Saintpaulia), florist gloxinias (Sinningia), Cape primroses (Streptocarpus), Episcias and many other common houseplants.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

11am – 2pm

@ the LGBT Community Center

208 West 13th Street, New York City

The Gesneriad Society Convention

with Joel Egan


Let’s get excited for the convention! This year’s annual Gesneriad Society convention is very close by -- a 45-minute drive from Penn Station to Parsippany, NJ. This month we are going to cover everything to do with the Gesneriad Society’s annual convention - how to register, how to plan your participation in events and dinners, what to expect at the panels and talks, what to expect at the famous convention sales room, how to enter your plants in the show, and everything else needed to allow you to enjoy this extremely fun yearly event. We will also go over highlights from last year’s programs and show entries to entice as many GNYGS members to attend as possible. We will also talk about the organization of the (inter)national Gesneriad Society as well as the organization of our regional society with emphasis on how we can all become involved to steward our community.


As usual, we'll have coffee/refreshments, a fantastic sales plant, a judged Little Show, raffle, education, camaraderie and more. Guests are welcome. Hope to see you then!

Also mark your calendars, our meetings in 2025 will be on:

february 15

march 15

april 19

may 17

june 21

september 20

october 18

november 15

december (holiday party)


We meet at the LGBT Community Center on 13th Street west of 7th Avenue. It's easily accessible by A, C, E, F, L, 1, 2, 3 trains.  There is a helpful map on our .

© 2017, 2018 by ​Greater NY
Gesneriad Society.

The Greater New York Gesneriad Society is a chapter of The Gesneriad Society,
formerly the American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society.

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